Does email marketing seem daunting to you?

Let us handle the nitty-gritty and don't miss out on valuable clicks, sales, and revenue for your business. Get the highest ROI of any marketing channel available today with Your Email Boss.



Turning email addresses into real connections.

We put care and passion into our email design and development. We create an email marketing strategy for you from scratch or audit your existing plan and email lists to maximize the benefits of email marketing. We help you grow and retain your lists.

Here's how we can help you.

Real People

Dedicated email marketers

Thinking about your brand and audience is our priority. We believe that establishing new relationships and strengthening the existing ones drive your sales further and should not cost a lot. We will help you set up your email marketing from strategy to execution. And it doesn't end there. We monitor metrics to ensure your email marketing is working and optimize your lists and segments. We work with all major email tools.

Klaviyo and Mailchimp experts
Build Relationships
Brand Awareness
Lead Nurturing


There is no guaranteed formula or set of rules for successful email marketing that applies to everyone. You are different. You are unique. And that's why they should choose you. Your email should be the same.

Kenna, co-founder
Subject Line Experts etc.

Compelling Content that Converts

No matter how fancy your emails look, if your content is not well-written, you will lose subscribers and customers left and right. Your marketing content should build trust. No one appreciates cold sells.

Content Promotion
Lead Generation
Product Marketing


Our team of marketing experts and writers use psychology for our strategy and storytelling. We recognize the importance of having a Subject Line that will interest your subscriber to open. We write with clarity in mind first, then we think of something catchy.

Jen, co-founder
Design for Humans

Responsive Design and Bullet Proof Coding

We design and develop email templates for your automated flows, newsletters and campaigns using industry best practices and our expertise. We design with conversion in mind. But most importantly, we design for humans.

40+ email clients and browsers
Design and Code Quality Check
Integration with any ESP


We've been creating emails for a while now. With our expert knowledge, our team of designers will craft a personalized and responsive email design. Easy to read, relevant and an extension of your brand.

Kenna, co-founder

“Your Email Boss was extremely professional, easy to work with, and talented. The job was completed on time, and was exactly what we were looking for. Thanks guys!”

Camille, USA

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+63-(995) 935 0633

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Mo-Fri: 10am – 3pm (GMT +8)
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